Rumer-Loudin Website Relaunch

Been having a pretty busy week, and hadn’t had a chance to post an update on this, so I thought that I would do so now. I’m just pleased as punch to announce the relaunch of the Rumer-Loudin, Inc. website.  The website is a nice mix of a traditional ‘marketing’ and a lot of great information about heating and air conditioning, geothermal, energy efficiency, and more. The site also features the ability for customers to submit, and website administrators to moderate, testimonials for the business.

I’ve been working with Kellie, who I got to know through the Barnesville Area Chamber of Commerce, and it’s been a really great experience. Maybe the coolest part of the whole experience is that Kellie’s huge on marketing, and is really interested in being involved in producing content, news posts, and such for the site, which usually translates to really successful websites.